Chuck Davis’ Business Car #352

A photograph of the prototype that Chuck has modeled

Ever since the photo of 352 was published in the Morning Sun Lehigh Valley book, I was intrigued by the car. Constructed at Sayre in 1944 from a 1912 Pullman-built 70′ baggage car, it was sold to the Boston & Maine in 1955 as their business car No. 11. I was told it was the V.P.’s car, and he said it never rode well. This probably explains why they sold it and why it was seldom photographed. The B&M sold it 3 years later to the Bessemer & Lake Erie, and I couldn’t find out what happened to it after that.

Two Con-Cor diners were chopped up for the sides, which were added to a cut-down AHM observation car frame, which was shorted to 70′. An old Walthers plastic 80′ roof was cut down to match. Both ends were sort of kitbashed.

I had tried making a radio antenna for a model of #353, but could never get it straight. I used solder paint to attach the supports right on the roof, and I think it came out well.

So now I have a business car to run on the layout.