The N-scale Lehigh Valley Wyoming Division I’ve built features scenery influenced by the L.V. Main Line between Lehighton and Coxton. I say “influenced” because the scenery isn’t modeled exactly. Instead, I’m just trying to capture the feel of the region. The era is set between 1968 and 1975.

Like the prototype, there are long grades to climb and descend. Pushers can come into play, adding operating interest.

Track is Atlas code 55. The entire mainline is double-track and leaves the option for continuous running. There is also a branch line with plenty of industrial switching for locals. I have recently completed a 16-foot, 5-track staging yard. This will hold through trains such as the Apollo and Mercury that run regularly. The layout also has a large 12-track yard for classification that includes an engine terminal and rip track.

At this point track work and wiring are complete. Scenery is an ongoing process, with the photos showing finished scenes. There is much more to go with the layout taking up a 16′ by 21′ space. N scale has allowed me to run long prototypical trains, and have big sweeping curves in this space.

– Ron Papiercavich (emibirth1975 at comcast dot net)