This page features photos of LV shippers and information about their operations that won’t fit on the On-Line Customer charts . Since this is one of the areas that is least documented, but very important to the modeler who wants to operate his layout like the prototype, I am especially interested in any contributions that you can make to this page!
I’ll be adding photos that I’ve taken of LV customer plants that still exist today. Although they have undoubtedly changed since the days of the LV, they still provide a better starting point than a generic plastic kit built out of the box! If you can add to this effort, please contact me.
The industries on this page are arranged alphabetically, and are linked to their location on the on-line customercharts – links are also provided from the charts to the industry listings on this page.
American Chain and Cable Co, Inc. – West Pittston Branch, approximately MP 1.3, Exeter, PA
Featured in the September 1953 timetable as Pennsylvania Lawn Mower Division of American Chain and Cable Co, Inc. Along with photo above was the following description: With a floor area of 130, 000 square feet, the plant is designed for efficient production of hand and power mowing equipment and has a potential capacity of 500,000 units annually.
Bethlehem Steel – New York Division main line, approximately MP 89, Bethlehem PA

The LVRR’s largest shipper; generated an average of 29,000 cars per year in 1969-1972
Books and Magazines containing photos of Bethlehem Steel:
- Railpace, March 1994, p. 22
- Railpace, January 1996, p. 20
- Railpace, May 1998, p. 10
- Bethlehem Steel by Andrew Garn, Princeton Architectural Press, 1999
Cayuga Rock Salt Co., Division of Cargill Corp. – Auburn & Ithaca Branch, Ludlowville NY
The Cayuga Rock Salt company operated a 2000’ deep mine since the 1920s. Its impact on LV operations in the 1940s is mentioned several times in David Marcham’s book. Employee Timetable #15 (Eff. September 25, 1949) lists an overhead obstruction for “tramway at rock salt plant” on page 90.I remember seeing covered hoppers of rock salt from the Ludlowville turn being weighed at Ithaca in the mid 1960s. I also remember the company participating in some sort of local business fair. It was purchased by Cargill in 1970.
Above is a photo of the Cayuga Rock Salt facility. The date can be guessed based on the automobiles – maybe 1960s. This view is from a hillside, looking westward toward Cayuga Lake. The LV track runs geographic north/south, parallel to the road and about 50 yards beyond it, and about 20 feet lower, so it is out of sight. The loading spurs passed directly under the large bunker that is the principal structure. Only the upper portions of the structures are shown.
– Mark Charles
Dixie Cup Co. Division of American Can – Easton and Northern Branch, Easton, PA
The LVRR’s largest shipper on the E&N Branch after Hercules Cement started its decline, the manufacturer of Dixie Cups and other paper products generated an average of 1,400 cars per year in 1969-1972. Originally constructed in 1921, the plant had a manufacturing and warehousing capacity of over 800,000 square feet in 1953.
Kasco Mills in Waverly, NY – Buffalo Division Main Line near MP 272
By 1969, this mill was no longer an LV customer, so is not linked to the chart on on-line shippers. Any information on this plant would be appreciated.
Tioga Mills in Waverly, NY – Buffalo Division Main Line near MP 272
Tioga Mills was still an LV shipper in 1969, accounting for 291 carloads in 1969, but declining rapidly in 1970 and later.
Whitehall Cement in Cementon, PA – New York Division Main Line near MP 100.3

This major customer has its own page, the first of several industries that will be covered in depth.