
at NJ ZincPhoto by Doug Lilly

Welcome to the Lehigh Valley Railroad Modeler! The Anthracite Railroads Historical Society maintains this website in the memory of Ed Schaller, a kind man with a wonderful personality, who served many years as treasurer on the Board of Directors. He was also an enthusiastic member of the Society’s modeling committee, continually providing great ideas for new and different products to present to our members.

Ed started this site and envisioned it as an e-magazine or an e-book to be continually updated, devoted to information about the Lehigh Valley Railroad, how it operated, and tips on how to model it. Modeling, here, includes the physical plant and the operations that the railroad was constructed to carry out – it’s reason for being. Except for pictures used to head each section, photos will be limited to those that will help to model specific equipment or scenes. We don’t want to duplicate what is already available on the web, but we’ll provide a guide to where photos can be located as an aid to your modeling efforts.

Find Lehigh Valley models on the ARHS Models page.