How to Contribute

I have been helping the Anthracite Railroads Historical Society maintain this website in the memory of Ed Schaller since 2007. Ed started this site in an attempt to share the information he gathered and the experiences he had when building his HO scale 1970s-era LVRR New York Division and the models that populated it. Responses to his efforts encouraged Ed to expand the scope of the website to cover earlier time periods and other scales, and he was always looking for help.

If you have data on the LVRR or models of it that you would like to share, please let me know via email at golarimer at gmail dot com (subbing in the ‘at’ symbol and period, as well as eliminating the spaces in the address). I hope I’ll be able to include your name to the list of contributors at the bottom of this page. The LVRR Modeler site also contains articles on how to model the prototype LVRR. Even if you can’t offer data, articles or editorial help, you can improve the Lehigh Valley Railroad Modeler through your suggestions for improvements. Let me know where the holes and mistakes are, what other things you’d like to see, or how I could improve what’s already on the site. Whether you participate as a contributor or a reader – Enjoy!

– Glen

The following LVRR fans and modelers have provided material or information that appears on this web site:

Dave Augsburger
Phil Baggley
Steve Bakos
Daniel Barnett
Mike Bednar
Dave Bennis
Tom Biery
John Bolez
Kirk Bonanny
John Brahaney
Seth Bramson
Bill Brault
Pete Brill
Justin Brinkerhoff
Phil Buchwald
Warren Calloway
Walter Chamberlain
Mark Charles
Jim Dalberg
Chuck Davis
Ralph DeBlasi
Don DeWitt
Chuck Diljak
George Elwood
Julian Erceg
John Evans
Glenn Fisher
Bernd Fanghanel
Art Flatray
Craig Floyd
Guy Fluck
Dave Forster
Ed Gardner
Kermit Geary, Jr.
Bob Gongleski
Maurice Grimes
Bill Gripp
Larry Grubb
Tom Haag
Jim Hamilton
Graham Hantz
Jules Heiliczer
Ralph Heiss
Jeff Hitchens
Jim Hoegg
Joel Holmes
Charlie Houser, Jr.
J.C. Housler
Chuck Huthmaker
George Jacobs
Jeanette Jahn
Rich Jahn
Jim Kerner
Jack Kirchgraber
Doug Kisala
Doug Kley
Steve Kley
Wayne Knorek
Fritz Kuenzel
Glen Larimer
Phil Lord
Bobb Losse, Sr.
Guil Mack
James E. Mack
Jim Mancuso
Greg Marling
Bill McChesney
Ian Metcalfe
Lou Millan
Arnold Morscher
Norman Mueller
Scott Neuner
Mark Nolan
Tim O’Connor
Alfred Olsen
Ron Papiercavich
Dick Palmer
Brian Petroziello
Curt Pope
Reinhard Pratt
John Pursell
Carl Ragoza
Mike Ranck
Sam Reynolds
Bud Rindfleisch
Ed Robinson
Dennis Rockwell
Mike Rose
Ron Ruddell
George Ruhf
Richie Scanapico
Ed Schaller
Terry Schardt
Claus Schlund
Steve Sillato
Jim Six
Ray Stillwell
Gary Stuebben
Keith Taylor
Michael Treacy
Lee Turner
Andy Tuzinski
Joe Walder
Rob Warchocki
Dick Whitehead
Guy Wicksall
Mark Wismer
Stirling Woodin
Mike Woodruff
Joe Zyla

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